Nano Science

Engineering Week

Boston Dynamics


Last year two dancers, Craig and Mairead, taught us how to jive. They came to the school every Thursday for three weeks. They taught 3rd up to 6th class. We all had great fun!


Projects are a big part of our school. In 3rd 4th 5th and 6th we do the most projects. 5th and 6th class have recently finished a project on a European country of their choice. They were given two weeks to complete it. The finished projects were great. In 3rd and 4th class they worked on a grandparent project. They asked their grandparents about when they were younger, their school, their job, homelife and special occasions. So far 3rd 4th 5th and 6th have done an Ancient Egypt project, a European project, a grandparent project and a weather project. We will be doing more later on this year.


In scoil Mhuire Moylagh we take part in a lot of music and singing. From first to sixth we teach tin whistle and in third class and up the pupils get a chance to learn ukulele. Fifth and sixth have another brilliant chance to learn music because one of our teachers called Mrs Colgan teaches fiddle to all the fifth and sixth who want to learn the fiddle. For Holy Communion the pupils from third to sixth can volunteer to sing for the choir we have every year for our second class students. We always have an instrumental in which we have tin whistles, fiddles and ukuleles. Music is always a big part of Scoil Mhuire Moylagh N.S.

Blurb Booksmart

1st, 2nd, 6th and 5th class do a project called Blurb. It’s an app you can download on your computer. First the pupil writes a story in a copy about twenty pages long. Then you type it up on the app. 1st class are writing about themselves. 2nd class are writing something about every letter in the alphabet. For instance for the letter A they can write about animals. 5th and 6th can write about anything they want to. They can write fiction books, fact books or books about themselves or about anything they want to. Their only limit is their imagination

Credit Union

Our school is involved with lots of Credit Union Art Competitions and quizzes. We also have lots of winners! We recently took part in the Art competition. The theme was Happiness. All the children put a lot of effort into their work. We are hoping for some winners again this year. We will be taking part in the Credit Union quiz later on in the year. We also have a few trophies from previous years. Our children put a lot of work into it. They have weeks of learning facts and doing practice quizzes.


We pride ourselves in our work. Here is an example of a poem written by two sixth class students:

Things I would have done – if it hadn’t been for Mum:

Only eat from the deli

Don’t do anything except watch telly

Have a feast in the dark

Stay up late having a lark

Throw some brilliant parties

Buy a big tube of smarties

Never ever go to school

Buy a really big swimming pool

In the evening I’d try to bake

when it’s done I’d eat all the cakes

Now you know what I’d do

if my Mother was out of view


Every year we go to swimming lessons. We get eight weeks of lessons. We get a bus to Kells Swimming Pool.1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th class get a chance to go. All the children are put into lanes according to their ability. At the end of eight weeks the Kells swimming staff organise a fun day for the pupils