Active School Week

Moylagh will kick off their Active School Week on WEdnesday 30th May to Wednesday 7th June 2018. Keep an eye on the website for all our activities.

What’s On for Active Week

Wednesday 30th May; Swimming in Kells Pool and Practice session for Moylagh’s Fittest Family (made of pupils)

Thursday 31st May; Whole school sponsored walk. Parents and community are invited to attend.

Friday 1st June; Moylagh’s Fittest Family (wellie throw, relay, basketball shot, steps ups, bean bag race, tug of war)

Tuesday 6th June; Moylagh’s Fittest Family Part 2

Wednesday 7th; Swimming in Kells Pool and Water Relay

Moylagh’s Fittest Family

Bench Steps

Bench Balance Relay

This was our gymnastics element to our Active Week. This was a strand we had chosen to develop over the course of the year.

Moylagh’s Fittest Family

Relay running

Moylagh’s Fittest Family

Basketball throw

Taster Session

Ben came from North Meath Rugby to give a taster session to the whole school

Our Sponsored Walk

We had fruit and drinks on our return…it was hot! Many thanks to the parents who helped out in any way.

Sponsored Walk

Setting off

Moylagh’s Fittest Family

Hang Tough.

Moylagh’s Fittest Family

Wellie Throw

Water Relay

We had to fill the pipe to the top and retrieve a cork….but the problem was the pipe was full of holes!