Fifth and Sixth Class – Mc Phillips

Sugary Science 

5th & 6th class have been learning all about healthy and unhealthy choices in class. 

We investigated the sugar content of popular drinks and snacks in class. The results can be seen here to the left. 

The food items used have mysteriously disappeared…. No reward will be offered for their return!

Clay Time 

5th & 6th class were making pencil pots in class last week. Keep an eye out for their finished pieces over the coming weeks. 

'5th & 6th Class 2022 - 2023
Hay' There! Have a look at the scarecrows 5th and 6th class made as part of the Pride of Place competition. Aren't they 'outstanding' in their field!

World War 1

The children were very excited to hear that they will be learning all about World War 1 in March. In art, they created these beautiful sunrise silhouettes. 

Celebrating World Book Day 2023


All go in 5th and 6th class for World Book Day. The children used the ipads to research the work of different authors. They also dressed up as their favourite character from a book. They took part in a quiz about books. They finished the day by reading the stories they had written to 3rd and 4th class. Everyone enjoyed this shared reading activity. 

Lá San Vailintín

Happy Valentines Day.

The children created beautiful artwork to decorate the hallway for Valentines Day. 


St. Brigid’s Day 2023


We made St. Brigid’s Day crosses to celebrate the day. 


Happy Grandparents Day

At Scoil Mhuire, we celebrated grandparents day on Wednesday the 25th of January. The children created a lovely door display showing the different reasons they love their grandparents. 

All About Moylagh

The children worked collaboratively in groups to research Moylagh. They created posters and presented what they had learnt to the class. They all did a fantastic job and gained lots of knowledge about the area. 

Merry Christmas!


Wishing you all a happy Christmas from all in 5th and 6th class. 


Christmas Treats 

The children in 5th and 6th class decorated gingerbread biscuits for Christmas. They enjoyed eating them while wathching a movie. Yum!


Halloween 2022

The children created some spooktacular art to decorate the hallway for Halloween. They wrote spooky stories in English and created haunted houses in Art. 

World Book Day 2022

The pupils of 5th and 6th class dressed as characters from their favourite book to celebrate World Book Day and the Scholastic Book Fair visiting our school. 


5th and 6th Class had great fun and made lots of new discoveries when making parachutes as part of science class. 

Halloween 2021

We had great fun dressing up for Halloween and taking part in the Halloween Parade. 

School Year 2020 – 2021

Library Assignments

Our novel study was based on ‘The Ghost of Grania O’Malley’ by: Michael Morpurgo this year.
We completed these library assignment booklets.
We really enjoy reading books written by Michael Morpurgo.

Published Authors in our Class!

We really enjoyed writing creatively and having our books printed. They make a wonderful read! 

Pictured below are 5th and 6th Class with their books.

Project Work

We love to carry out research projects in the Senior room which also incorporate our love of ICT; Here is a selection of projects including; Space, The Ancient Greeks, Science Week Experiments and Coral Reefs.

Click on the hyper links below to view the projects:-


We made ‘Robots’ as though we were inventors of the future. We used recyclable materials and we set up a ‘Dragons Den’ style presentation in our classroom. It was very enjoyable.

Mental Health Week 2021

Here is a poem written by Aoibhinn for Mental Health Week. Well done Aoibhinn!

Wellbeing by Aoibhinn

Write it down: if you are worried write it down and it should make you feel better.

Easy on yourself: If you are sad or worried be easy on yourself and tell someone.

Liking each other just the way they are: Everyone is obviously unique in their own ways and we should treat everyone just the way we are because if you are being mean or bullying someone just because they like something that you don’t like or any sort of bullying, it could impact their mental health in bad ways. 

Loving care: Care for someone and it would make them feel less alone.

Be nice: Be nice and kind online and in real life. If you wouldn’t like it to be said to you, zip your mouth shut.

Exercise: Going on a walk or run or even going outside can make you happy

I can beat the online enemies: If you are worrying about something bad that happened online it is best to tell a trusted adult. In any sort of bullying online you should tell someone. Stop, Block/Report, Tell. 

Never Be always online: If you are online all the time, anything could pop up or something strange could happen and you could get scared or worried. 

Good friends: Good friends are key for your wellbeing because they support you, help you through the bad and the good and they are very kind. (only if they are good friends 😀 )

February 2021

5th & 6th class entered the Irish Aid – Our World Competition in relation to Global Goals, Global Citizenship and the work of Irish Aid, before Christmas.

Congratulations to Sarah Tuite for her poster entry – Irish Aid Responsibilities! It has been selected and it will be featured in the very first issue of Global Goal Getters –  Irish Aid’s online children’s magazine this month.

You can view Sarah’s winning entry by visiting their website:

Congratulations to Sarah and her classmates who each received a Certificate.

6th Class

Colour Wheel Artwork Eyes

Maths Week and Space Week

We completed lots of activities for Maths Week & Space Week. Some of the activities included Maths Eyes, Mangahigh online interactive games, Maths Trail around our School, Target boards, Puzzles, Patterns & this Space Event. We enjoyed using our mathematical thinking & problem solving skills.