Physical Ed. Prog.

Our PE Programme 

This is the website utilised by the teachers in order to teach PE effectively.  This aides them in their teaching alongside the NCCA PE curriculum.  This year we are focusing on the fundamental movement skills, which are the skills essential to all games and sports.  However the strand we will be mainly focusing on is Gymnastics.


PE Policy 2018

Please look at our PE Policy to see how we teach PE in our school, the strands that are covered, health and safety during PE lessons and much more…

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Gymnastics Lesson

Here are 3rd and 4th outside enjoying a gymnastics lesson with Mrs. Clarke. This girl is practicing her t-balance on the bench.

Practicing the pencil roll

Here are 3rd and 4th outside enjoying a gymnastics lesson with Mrs. Clarke. This girl is practicing her t-balance on the bench.