Paper rockets being launched. Then they must measure the distance and see who'd paper rockets flew the furthest.
First class paper rockets experiencing some launching difficulties. They must figure out a way to alter their rocket in some way to make it launch and move through the air better.
More first class bridge construction.
First class working on building their own bridges strong enough to hold teacher's stamper. They discovered that folding the paper forward and backwards makes it much stronger than just laying the page out straight from one side to the other.
First class working on building their own bridges strong enough to hold teacher's stamper. They discovered that folding the paper forward and backwards makes it much stronger than just laying the page out straight from one side to the other.
The Engineers By: 5th and 6th class Pauric McCormack and Tom King (the two engineers) came in to give us a presentation on 22nd of March. They came in to explain to us a little bit about engineering. On engineering week we did a few engineering science experiments. The experiments we did were electrical engineering and Coanda Effect. The engineers told us a little bit about what they do in the company they work in together (Dromone Engineering). They explained to us how we all live around engineering. When they came in we did a fun experiment to see who could make the sturdiest paper airplane and could then go the furthest distance. We did this because the engineers were telling us about how planes were engineered. They told us about every part designed for the plane had to be checked and approved by specialists on planes to make sure that a disaster wouldn't happen. Engineering week was one of the best weeks of the school year.