What We Play

At Moylagh N.S we take part in many different sports.  In September, the senior classes compete in the Cumann na mBunscol football for boys and girls.  In February, we usually run an internal soccer league for children in 3rd-6th classes and another for S.I to 2nd classes.  In Term 3, 1st – 6th class travel to Kells for swimming and the senior classes also take part in the Cumann na mBunscol camogie/hurling competitions.  During the summer we also get out for lots of games of rounders.

Everyday before class commences all children complete 10 minutes exercise.  This consists of various exercises like jumping jacks, star jumps etc and then 2-3 minutes sustained running.

All areas of the primary school PE curriculum are covered.

Active School News

Mar. 4, 2019

Senior Soccer League

Senior Soccer League has commenced. This is played at big break and children from 4th – 6th play.

Jun. 21, 2018

Active Flag!

Our school community is delighted to announce that we received the Active School Flag. This took a lot of hard work from our whole school and our active school committee. This flag is held for three years and then we will apply to renew it. Our school maintains it activity throughout the three years. Our morning running, playground games and active week will still happen. Well done everyone.

Jun. 2, 2018

Best of Luck Boys

Our boys football team is through to the Cumann na mBunscol finals in Trim on June 9th. They won all their games and now face Clonard in the final. Best of luck boys!

May. 24, 2018

Girls Football

Girls football progressed well in Cumann na mBunscol Division 5. They were narrowly defeated by Drumbaragh NS in the quarter final in Kilskyre. Well done for getting that far girls!